By-Laws of the
Northern Ohio Tripoli Rocketry Association
Prefecture #003 – Tripoli Northern Ohio



The purpose of Northern Ohio Tripoli Rocketry Association (also known as NOTRA or Tripoli Northern Ohio) shall be to promote Advanced High-Power Rocketry as a hobby and sport through the uniting of like-minded individuals.


To organize and operate rocket launches whereby all members of the organization may legally pursue the hobby and sport of Advanced High-Power Rocketry.


To train all members in safety, legal activates and technologies relating to Advanced High-Power Rocketry.


To support and assist The Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc. with their programs, goals and purposes that attend to safety, technology and regulation of Advanced High-Power Rocketry.


To promote and pursue research in all aspects of rocketry and related endeavors.



Membership in Tripoli Northern Ohio shall be open to any and all serious minded rocket enthusiasts. While membership in Tripoli Northern Ohio does not require membership in the National Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc. (TRA), such national membership is strongly encouraged.


Membership in Tripoli Northern Ohio will fall into two classifications:


FULL MEMBER - is a person who is also a member of the National Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc. (TRA). Full Members are entitled to all rights and privileges of the Prefecture. This includes flying High-Power Rockets, within your Certified Level, at our Local launches and other Tripoli Prefecture launches around the country, and at Regional and National launches of the Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc. Full Members are entitled to vote on any and all business of our Prefecture as well as hold office within our Prefecture.

ASSOCIATE MEMBER - is a member who is not a member of the Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc. Associate Members are encouraged to join the National Organization. Associate Members are limited to fly only Class C type rockets, and specifically those powered with motors designated A through G, at our Local Launches unless they hold membership in another National Organization other than Tripoli, and are certified in that organization. Associate Members have voting privileges, however they will not be permitted to vote on any Prefecture business directly related to and/or controlled by the Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc. Associate Members are not permitted to hold office within the Prefecture.


All members of Tripoli Northern Ohio will conform to and conduct all Class B Rocket Activities in compliance with the Codes, Standards, Safety and Procedures set by The Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc. and any higher State and/or Federal agency having jurisdiction.


A Tripoli Northern Ohio membership may be terminated under any of the following conditions:


If a Tripoli Northern Ohio member's membership with Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc. has been revoked by the association.


If a Tripoli Northern Ohio member conducts a gross violation of any Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc. safety codes.


If a Tripoli Northern Ohio member conducts a gross violation of any Tripoli Northern Ohio safety codes.


If a Tripoli Northern Ohio member has delinquent club dues exceeding six months from the due date.


Tripoli Northern Ohio membership Termination Process:



A Tripoli Northern Ohio Club Officer must give the member a verbal reminder of club obligations, or a verbal warning of a specific safety code violation.


The Tripoli Northern Ohio Club President must provide a written notice to the member stating all specific details of the violation of the Tripoli Pittsburgh Club By-Laws or safety codes


A Tripoli Northern Ohio Club Officer may present a proposal of membership termination at a regular club meeting. This proposal will be open to discussion by all members in attendance.


A membership termination vote may be conducted at a regular club meeting. A two-thirds (2/3) negative vote of members present shall constitute revocation of the members Tripoli Northern Ohio membership and loss of privileges.


Tripoli Northern Ohio membership reinstatement may be requested by a terminated member and shall be considered in the following manner:


A period of one (1) year from date of termination must precede the terminated member’s reinstatement request.


The terminated member’s reinstatement request may be made to any Tripoli Northern Ohio Club Officer.


Tripoli Northern Ohio Club Officers will review the reinstatement request.


A Tripoli Northern Ohio Club Officer may present a proposal of reinstatement to the membership at a regular club meeting. This proposal will be open to discussion by all members in attendance.


A membership reinstatement vote may be conducted at a regular club meeting. A two-thirds (2/3) positive vote of the members present shall constitute reinstatement of Tripoli Northern Ohio membership with full privileges.



All Persons joining Tripoli Northern Ohio shall pay the organizations annual dues at the December membership meeting.


All persons joining Tripoli Northern Ohio shall join The Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc. and pay the appropriate membership fees.



Tripoli Northern Ohio business meetings shall be held four times a year. The date, time and location shall be announced at the previous meeting and/or published on the Tripoli Northern Ohio Website.


A two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present shall constitute a quorum at all business meetings.


Special meetings may be called by the President and accommodate as many members as possible. Notice of Special Meetings must be placed on the Tripoli Pittsburgh Website at least three days in advance of said meeting. This will constitute formal notice.


Membership voting regarding Tripoli Northern Ohio By-Laws or operations, may not take place at a special meeting.


Tripoli Northern Ohio rocket launches shall be conducted under complete compliance with all higher authorities having jurisdiction.


Members will be required to participate with any and all operations of said launches, as needed.



Tripoli Northern Ohio offices shall consist of a Prefect/President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer. Any member may hold more than one office, except the office of President. If the club President is not available to conduct the duties of the office, the Presidents duties shall temporarily move to the next available senior officer. The Prefect/President shall conduct all club mailings as needed.


At all times the President shall have complete control of all meetings. The President shall be aware of the status of all business related to Tripoli Pittsburgh. The President shall maintain order at all meetings and keep all discussions in line with the current topic on the meeting floor.


The Vice President shall assume the President's seat at all meetings the President is unable to attend. Upon assuming the Presidents seat, the Vice President shall have all powers and responsibilities of the President.


The Secretary shall keep a record of all business conducted at all meetings and shall provide the minutes of such meetings at the next meeting and have them published on the Tripoli Northern Ohio Website.


The Treasurer shall keep a record and control of all financial matters within Tripoli Northern Ohio and present said record to the members at each business meeting. The Treasurer shall maintain the club membership roster and collect the annual club dues. The Treasurer shall maintain a record of all membership expirations and inform members of their expiration. The Treasurer shall provide a list of all new members to the club Secretary. The Treasurer shall collect all monetary funds from club sales, donations and gifts. All said monetary funds and dues shall be presented to the club Treasurer in a timely manner.


The Prefect shall interact with the Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc... The Prefect shall update local members to new or pressing news and/or progress on the national level. The Prefect shall see to the compliance of all national codes and regulations related to Advanced High-Power Rocket activities. The Prefect shall administer the proper testing related to certification of Level 1 and Level 2. The Prefect shall forward the results of testing and level certification to Tripoli Rocketry Association.



Election of Tripoli Northern Ohio Club officers shall take place once each year during the December regular club meeting.


An electoral nomination motion may be made by any Tripoli Northern Ohio Club member in good standing.


The electoral nomination motion must nominate a specific Tripoli Northern Ohio Club member in good standing for a specific Tripoli Northern Ohio club office.


A Tripoli Northern Ohio Club member in good standing will be elected to the specific office upon the member receiving the maximum number of votes for that office.


An elected Tripoli Northern Ohio Club officer's service term will be for a period of one (1) year, Serving from January of the first year, to December of the second year.


There will be no service term limits for Tripoli Northern Ohio Club elected officers.



The Tripoli Northern Ohio By-Laws may be changed or altered, only at a business meeting announcing such changes and having a quorum present. Any and all items within Tripoli Northern Ohio By-Laws may be changed, except Chapter VIII, DISOLUTION.



Tripoli Northern Ohio will continue to operate as long as there are at least three (3) members of the Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc. interested in its continuance.


In the event of Dissolution, any and all funds shall be turned over to The Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc.'s Legal Fund and all properties shall become the property of the Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc.